Do you facebook?

Facebook is rapidly catching up with Myspace in becoming the largest and most popular social networking site. It took me quite some time to join an invite from a friend and thereafter, I was addicted!

I am still exploring and testing some of the applications. Join me in my journey of exploration and discovery in Facebook.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Be Warn! Facebook disabled accounts!

Be warn! Facebook does disabled accounts if you violiate their terms of use. Usually Facebook will send an email to warn the user of the violation

Some of the common reasons for disabling accounts are :

1. You didn't use your real name

Facebook requires all members to use their real name when registering an account. This is their way to reduce spammers. It is to ensure that the users on this social network is geniune and also to ensure their advertisers of the reliability of their data.

2. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group

Apparently, there are some whose accounts are being disabled for “spamming” when they sent too many messages out to 100 over friends. Some were posting too many duplicated messages which Facebook suspects the activities as spam.
There are also those who tried to befriend others who are not really their friends and being reported to Facebook as spammer.

3. You are under eighteen years old

According to one report a user’s account was suspended when they suspected her of being under 18. She was required to enter a work email address to prove her maturity, at which point her account was reinstated. [note: other users have pointed out that being under 18 is fine if you’re part of a High School group, though underage home schoolers have been told to bug off]

4. You wrote offensive content

There was a lady who has been constantly spammed by another guy. She was so upset that she wrote to him to f*** off and she reported him to Facebook. However, she was even more furious when Facebook disabled her account instead of the spammer’s!

5. You scraped information off Facebook

Big NO NO! Don’t try to use applications to scrap information on Facebook.

6. You advertise your business on their Marketplace

For some reasons, Facebook do not allow do not allow users to advertise services or businesses using the Marketplace feature.

If for some unfortunate reasons, your account has been disabled, you can try writing a nice email to the following email

I do come across many users whose account has been given back to them. But you might need to wait for a few days before they will respond.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tips! They should make this crystal clear to all facebookers because what if you just want to add a lot of 'friends' to play games on apps? The One Minute Mogul app is a lot of fun to play with your friends. It has two addicting fave is 'Wasketball.'

Anonymous said...

my facebook was deleated because my friends were of similar physical appearance!thats the reason given by facebook !!sounds like a joke i knew

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

hephaestus said...

Facebook seems faceless to me in relation to the robotic effects of FARCEbook trying to protect themselves from what their farcebots consider is ’spam’. One might have thought that people would use the same message on a large portion of friends saving time on re-writing BUT not FARCEbook who see it as a dangerous action. Sadly their farcebots can’t tell the difference from adverts and social connectivity of human beings – though one could think that checking up on private messages sent to friends to invite them to connect fell outside the scope of control and into the scope of privacy.
Of course don’t get me started on someone being disabled not getting the right of reply – defending themselves with being able to collect their history and not knowing what the hell they’ve been ‘disabled’ – ‘crippled’ – cut off or whatever else you’d like to call it. I don’t know if anyone’s read Franz Kafka ‘The Trial” but it certainly seemed poignant to me FARCEbook appears very Kafkaesque. Faceless farce book!